Niagara Falls Police responded to the 1800 block of Pine Avenue around 4:00pm on August 28th after reports of a subject with a knife. The suspect was a male known to law enforcement due to repeated arrests.
Upon arrival, officers detained the suspect who refused to comply with lawful requests to surrender. It took three officers to detain him. Once in handcuffs the suspect was searched. On his person was a kitchen knife in addition to multiple other knives and personal property.
The suspect was placed into the rear of a patrol vehicle while officers relocated to another location to speak with the victim.
The victim stated that earlier in the day he was at McDonald’s when the suspect entered and attempted to take the coffee he was drinking out of his hands. An argument ensued and quickly became physical. The suspect punched him in the stomach and the victim responded by kneeing him in the groin.
Fast forward to around 3:45pm, the victim was leaving a business/store at the City Market to return home when he observed the suspect directly outside of the building. He did try to ignore the suspect, but he kept asking to give him a light for his cigarette. In an effort to have him go away, the victim lit the cigarette.
Unlocking the door to his vehicle, the victim could see the suspect in the reflection behind him with a knife in his hands. The suspect started to wave the knife at him in a chopping motion and was getting closer to him screaming, “I’m going to kill you.” The victim then retreated back inside the store, locked the door and called 911. The weapon was a butcher knife and approx. 8 inches long.
Officers viewed surveillance footage of the incident that corroborated the victim’s account. The suspect was transported to police headquarters for booking and processing. No further information is available at this time.
Unhinged Suspect with Butcher Knife Wanted to Kill Man Who Wouldn't Give Him Coffee