Niagara Falls Police responded to the Centre Court Pool on the 1500 block of Centre Avenue around 10:00am on August 14th after reports of an unwanted persons complaint.
While en route, officers were advised that four male parties jumped inside the fenced area of the city pool and were swimming. Upon arrival, officers observed four males inside of the fenced area who were actively trying to leave when they saw the patrol vehicle.
It is believed based on the police report that all of the individuals were teenagers.
The males ran into the neighboring yards. At this point, officers were not going to pursue any further action.
Shortly afterwards, officers were called back to the area due to the same males harassing the 911 caller. Officers made contact with the males at the playground, which is adjacent to the Centre Court pool. Two of the males immediately took off on bicycles and the other two were taken into custody.
Due to the city pool being closed, gated and locked, officers charged them with criminal trespass 3rd, which is a Class B misdemeanor (punishable by up to 90 days in county jail).
At least one individual was taken to police headquarters for booking and processing. No further information is available at this time – Teenagers Jump Fence to Swim at City Pool, Get Charged with Misdemeanors.