Niagara Falls Police responded to Tops on Portage Road on May 28th after reports that a patio umbrella was stolen and the suspect was running away with it.
Dispatch advised responding officers that the subject stole a large outdoor patio umbrella and was last seen running through the parking lot and down Portage Road. It is unknown if he hoped the combination of running and opening the umbrella would allow him to float away and successfully escape – it did not. The suspect was described as a black male wearing a jumpsuit with a white shirt wrapped around his face.
Police observed the male matching the description running down the 1600 block of Pine Avenue. When the subject saw law enforcement, he covered his face and continued to run. Officers gave the subject a verbal command to stop, at which time he did.
Tops wished to press charges and the suspect was transported to police headquarters for booking where he was released with an appearance ticket.
No further information is available at this time.