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Only 3 People Show Up to Planning Board Meeting Considering Zoning Change for Love Canal Solar Farm

The Niagara Falls Planning Board is currently reviewing a proposal to change the zoning of the Love Canal site, infamous for being the location of the worst environmental disaster involving chemical wastes in U.S. history. The proposed zoning change would allow for the development of a large-scale solar renewable energy project known as the Vincent Welch Build-Ready Solar project.

At a recent board hearing, only three residents from the Love Canal neighborhood attended to discuss the request made by city officials and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).

The proposed change would convert 16 acres of city-owned land, located south of Colvin Boulevard, north of the LaSalle Expressway, and between 93rd and 95th streets, from Single Family Residential to Open Space zoning.

The land, previously occupied by the Hooker Chemical Company's Love Canal landfill and the Griffin Housing Development, would be reclaimed for the solar farm project. NYSERDA is currently in the early stages of assessing the feasibility of the solar farm project. This assessment includes evaluating the site's suitability for connection to the New York electrical grid and determining the associated costs.

Despite the low turnout of Love Canal neighborhood residents at the hearing, NYSERDA assured the board that if the project proves feasible, they would hold multiple neighborhood meetings to explain their plans. Some residents present at the meeting raised concerns about the proximity of the project to their homes and the potential impact on property values. These questions were not specifically answered.

NYSERDA's Build-Ready program aims to promote large-scale renewable energy projects on challenging sites that the private sector is not developing. These sites include brownfields, landfills, abandoned commercial and industrial sites, dormant electric generating sites, former mines, closed prisons, and parking lots.

Once a site is identified for redevelopment, NYSERDA takes charge of project design, engineering, permitting, electrical grid interconnection review, and develops a host community benefit package.

The Love Canal site was proposed to NYSERDA by Mayor Robert Restaino's administration and ongoing discussions have been held between the mayor and NYSERDA regarding the project. The decision by the Niagara Falls Planning Board in September will determine whether the recommended zoning change will pave the way for the transformation of the Love Canal site into a significant eco-friendly solar farm project.

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