A Niagara Falls Police officer was working secondary employment at Walmart on Military Road around 8pm on September 23rd when asset protection advised him that a shopper was using fraudulent coupons for Lego’s.
As they were watching the male checkout, they observed the male intentionally leave a blue box of cereal in the cart preventing the cashier from scanning it. The male then quickly placed all other items into the cart on top of the box of cereal and proceeded to walk out of the store.
The male was apprehended after exiting the store and brought to the security office. He was arrested, processed and issued an appearance ticket returnable at Niagara Falls City Court. The items that the male attempted to pay for were refunded as the coupons he attempted to use appeared homemade. The stolen items were returned to the shelf. The box of cereal was valued at $4.97.
The male was issued a trespass notice. No further information is available at this time.
Male Arrested for Stealing $4 Box of Cereal, Using Homemade Coupons on Lego's