Niagara Falls Police responded to Marketside Restaurant in the City Market around 10:00pm after reports of an unwanted party.
Upon arrival, police observed a male causing a disturbance just outside of the entrance. He was screaming so loud that the restaurant owner came outside and asked what was wrong. He continued to scream even after police arrived.
Officers noted that the male was “rambling” and “not making any sense” while screaming. The owner told police that the male was also trying to break into the restaurant through the side door but was unsuccessful.
The male was told to stop yelling several times by officers but refused. Although no one understood what he was yelling about, it was causing a disturbance to several persons who were standing outside of the American Legion and the owner of Marketside.
The male was taken into custody and transported to police headquarters for booking. He was remanded to the male jail pending arraignment due to several failure to appears within the last year. No further information is available at this time - Irate Male Arrested Outside Marketside Restaurant -- 'No one knew what he was saying.'